Our Story
Bad Behavior was launched in 2018 by three friends from three continents, who had a lot to say (and even more to learn!)
Where it began
In 2017, Rosalind flew across the globe to visit Nikila in New York City. It was a whirlwind trip, full of theatre, house parties, conversation, and (of course) bagels.
“We had a lot of drunk people at bars tell us we should start a podcast on that trip. Niki and I have known each other for over 10 years, and are lucky enough to have a no-holds-barred friendship where we can talk about anything. So, we thought, why not?” Rosalind.
The first iteration of Bad Behavior launched in 2018. Our ‘first’ season had 15 episodes and reached 2,400+ people.
Version 2.0
In 2019, the team decided to take everything we’d learned and reimagine what BBP could be. Bad Behavior became an interview-based show, exploring the taboo whilst centering empathy and vulnerability.
We re-launched in March 2020, and it has been the most incredible journey since! In 2020, BBP won Best Arts and Culture Podcast at the Australian Podcast Awards. In 2021, BBP won a frankie Magazine Good Stuff Award, and Best Interview at the Australian Podcast Awards.
Looking for new episodes? Find all the new episodes here

Nikila, Rosalind and Namcheja

“The vulnerability we bring to each episode has challenged some of my assumptions about myself, and introduced me to new ways of thinking. I hope the same can be said for our listeners. I want Bad Behavior to start conversations in living rooms all around the world, as someone says; ‘so I was listening to this podcast and…” Rosalind, Co-Host and Executive Producer.
“The podcast combines my love of storytelling with my interest in connecting with stories outside of my scope of experience. I make this podcast because I am driven by a deep desire to create lasting impact through my creative passions. Every interview provides action points that I can explore in my own life in the hope of using my privilege and voice to create change. It is important to us that we centre vulnerability and celebrate diversity, we showcase the stories that we craved growing up.” Nikila, Co-Host and Executive Producer

“If you’ve never heard my story before, or any story regarding conversion therapy and or/coming out later in life, [Bad Behavior] handled it in the most unique way. I am incredibly proud of what we created together. It will save lives, I have no doubt” Elena Joy Thurston (Episode 14, Season 1)
Our First Fifteen from ‘Season 1’ in 2018
Episode 15 | Comedian Aurelia St Clair
Episode 14 | Climate for Change with Katerina Gaita
Episode 13 | Feminist Erotic Filmmaker and Craft Lover Anna Brownfield
Episode 12 | Melbourne Period Project with Nevena Spirovska
Episode 11 | Youtubers
Episode 10 | Engineers
Episode 9 | Food
Episode 8 | Burlesque
Episode 7 | Architecture
Episode 6 | Children’s Literature
Episode 5 | Comedians
Episode 4 | Video Games
Episode 3 | Tattoos
Episode 2 | Homelessness
Episode 1 | Explorers

Our first logo, launched in March 2018