Choosing Child-free for Climate Ft. Meghan Kallman & Josephine Ferorelli from Conceivable Future

Many people feel that the effects of Climate Change could influence their reproductive decisions. Whether we decide to have children or not isn’t important. What is vital, is that we consider why we might be asking those questions.

This week we chat with the co-founders of Conceivable Future; Meghan Kallman and Josephine Ferorelli, about why the personal is NOT political, and why the question of choosing childfree for climate is a great way to start a discussion.


Conceivable Future is a women-led network of Americans bringing awareness to the threat climate change poses to reproductive justice, and demanding an end to US fossil fuel subsidies.


Meghan Kallman is a sociologist who studies how social movements succeed, why they fail and how we can sustain social commitment and activism in a globalized world. She is also a climate activist, a writer, a musician, and teaches sociology in the RI state prison system.

Josephine Ferorelli is a writer, editor, illustrator, and yoga instructor. She is a former Climate Bureau editor at and a climate justice activist. She blogs about yoga, dharma, grief, and the climate crisis at


Resources and Links

  • Conceivable Future: Listen to more of their testimonies, donate or download their free house party kit and host your own!
  • IPCC Wesbite: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. Check out their latest reports. 
  • Climate Evidence presented by NASA: check out their latest reports. 
  • Climate Council: an Australian-based climate communications organisations with some great resources for Aussies. 
  • Climate for Change: Australian not-for-profit spreading climate change awareness in a similar house party model, worth checking out!